To apply for any The Total Human™ program and to assure a spot in the class,
please send in the following:
The Total Human
PO Box 1437
Topanga, California 90290 |
1. Application Form:
Print the following form:
2. Deposit:
$300 non-refundable deposit
(The rest of the balance will be due PRIOR to your arrival at the class). You can pay your deposit by mailing it in with your application, or go to the webpage of the specific program you are applying for and click on the REGISTER button at the bottom of that page.) |
3. Letter:
A brief letter about yourself and your reasons for wanting to attend
(we need this from all students for each class, no matter how well we know you) |
4. Medical Form: |
Print the following form:
*We need a new form filled out each new calendar year.
5. Recent Photo:
A recent head and shoulders photo of yourself.
(The photo and letter are about gathering the energy around the specific group that will be coming to each program). |
Cancellation Policy:
If you cancel your reservation in a program you have applied for at least 2 weeks before the start of the class, of the $300 nonrefundable deposit, The Total Human™ allows $150 to be transferred (one time only) to any other Total Human program within 12 months of the original class application. If you do not notify The Total Human™ of your cancellation at least two weeks before the start of the class, none of the deposit is transferable. No refunds are given after the start of a class. At no time is The Total Human responsible for nonchangeable, nonrefundable airfare, or travel expenses incurred due to nonrefundable, nonchangeable airfare.
Privacy Statement:
The The Total Human™ Institute of Vision and Healing respects your privacy. Mailing addresses and email addresses shared with us are never shared with or sold to any other organization or person(s). They are for the exclusive use of The Total Human™.
All information that you include in your medical and personal information forms is private and never shared outside of The Total Human™, to the full extent of the law. Information requested is to provide us with a base of knowledge to help guide you to the most appropriate program for your needs, and to keep you safe and healthy within all of our programs. |